Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fashion Event at Gudrun!

What would we do without Patrick and his amazing Wine Bar/Perfect Brunch Hideaway Gudrun? That is the question of the hour for sure.
Thanks to Patrick we at Violet Hill have had the privilege to hold another Pre-Opening Sale! This Sunday everyone was out in full force for the great Steveston Farmers Market and we were lucky enough to have many people stop by and shop our preview sale. Can't be thankful enough for all of the great support from fellow Villagers and beyond.

Some of the favoured labels of the afternoon were Designers Remix Collection and Covet! There was also lots of lurve for Gentle Fawn, Left on Houston, Eryn Brinie, and Kelsi Dagger too!

The 'Camron' Purple Dress from Designers Remix Spring 2010 is such a great draw for people to come and take a look at what we have! I think I might have to keep one and make it the mascot of Violet Hill.

(The pics showcase the great Covet Dress and Plaid Shirt that were big hits today, as well as the White DRC Button Up, and Feather Tshirt that I am personally in LOVE with)